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Send Emails and Attachments from Excel

It is easier to send emails from excel with few lines of VBA code. You don't require to add receiver email, Subject, message body and attachment inside a email. These all work excel will do for you through outlook application with  just one click a dynamic message body, receiver email, subject and attachment will be quickly added in outlook email application. 

Follow Below Steps to Send Email From Excel Sheet

  • Go to Developer option=>Insert=>Add ActiveX Command Button
  • Double click on button it will redirect to VBA editor
  • Inside VBA Editor, Copy and Paste Below code inside Button function

Download Code From Here: Download Now

  • According to my code,
      • Email = ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 2).Value
      • Subject = ActiveSheet.Cells(4, 2).Value
      • Body = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 2).Value
  • Row 3, and Column 2 cell is for email Row 4, Column 2 for subject and Row 4, Column 2 for email body as shown in figure. You can change it according to your application.

Download Excel File From Here: Download Now

Watch Complete Tutorial on YouTube
