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Limit Internet Speed of Other Devices in a Network From Wireless Router

Are you having trouble with people in your home hogging all the bandwidth? Or, maybe you want to limit how much your PC consumes. Luckily, there are a couple of ways to limit the amount of bandwidth your PC or laptop takes on your network. 
The most surefire way to limit how much bandwidth your PC consumes is through your router’s Quality of Service (QoS) technology or bandwidth control. In most of today's home routers has this feature and can be easily done with just few steps.
  1. Define your computer IP in DHCP address reservation settings against Mobile or PC MAC address 
  1. Through bandwidth control or IP QoS settings define define which IP range can use how much bandwidth. Easy way is to just define your computer IP and allow it to use full bandwidth and restrict or limit rest of IPs. 
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